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No need to worry

Thanks to those who contacted, but we are all ok up in this area of Japan. The recent earthquakes were around 1,300km away in Kumamoto, which is similar to Canberra or Townsville from Brisbane. So, the tremors did not reach here at all, or were very very minor. That being said, the damage was and is still being revealed to be devastating. Our thoughts are with those in the area.

It is a slap in the face reminder that this is the nature in which we live in here in Japan. A nervous land mass at the intersection of numerous tectonic plates, littered with active volcanoes and their accompanying alarm clocks. It is terrifying because of the unpredictability of them - no one knows when or how intense they will be. There are "safer" areas than others, but earthquakes are felt everywhere on the mainland. For us, we were reminded to get our emergency supplies ready and known to everyone in the house. That is just a normal routine for everyone here.

It is interesting to see the response of people when there is an earthquake here in Japan. I am not referring to the recent huge ones, instead just the ordinary tremors that hit every now and then. People in my workplace hardly budge, barely even give it credit. This is because they have felt so many and generally know the difference between a regular and an irregular sized tremor. For those less experienced, it is a heartbeat-skipping, rubber-necking experience that you always think was the "biggest one so far".

For me, I cannot believe how some of the old, run down buildings I see around the place withstand the to and fro-ing, side to side shaking of the earthquakes. How have they managed to remain standing? I just don't get it. But, I am glad they do.

Anyway, we're all fine thanks.

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